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Ingesting Data

Running with the monitoring service with EFFIS data

Run the watch ingester

adash watch -f 5eb01cc71eba106544dc5270 -r <url-to-data> -k <girder-api-key> -u -v 5
  • url-to-data: This will point to where the data is. See the instructions in the EFFIS Read the Docs for enabling the dashboard. From the documentation example given the following http key:

        http: /ccs/wwwproj/phy122/esuchyta/wdmapp-dashboard/shots

    The url-to-data would be:
  • girder-api-key: This will vary from user to user.

    1. Visit and log in.

      Login Prompt

    2. Select My Account from the drop-down menu in the upper right hand corner.


    3. Navigate to the API keys tab and select Create new key. This only needs to be done once.

      Create New Key

    4. Enter a name for the key and leave the token duration field empty and leave the Allow all actions on behalf of my user option selected, the press Create.

      New Key Dialog

    5. Select show under the key column and then copy the key that is displayed. Keep this information safe and private.

      Show Key

Automatic ingest

Coming soon.