

nvm install node
  • Yarn Package Manager
# Requires Node >= 18.12.0
cd path-to-repo/client
corepack enable
yarn init -2


The simplest way to iteratively develop the client is to bring the Girder and FastAPI containers up (along with any additional containers you may need) and then install and serve the client locally. First you will need to setup nginx:

sudo systemctl start nginx     # Debian/Ubuntu
brew services start nginx      # homebrew
cd C:\nginx && start nginx.exe # Windows

You can then copy the nginx file from path-to-repo/devops/docker/nginx/nginx.conf into your configuration file. The proxy_pass lines should be changed from girder and fastapi to localhost.

Debian/Ubuntu/Mac OS X

The default place of nginx.conf is /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.


The primary configuration file is nginx.conf, located in the conf subdirectory of the directory where Nginx was extracted.

After updating the configuration file restart the service:

sudo service nginx restart  # Debian/Ubuntu
brew services restart nginx # homebrew
nginx -s reload             # Windows

Bring the containers up:

docker-compose -p esimmon \
-f path-to-repo/devops/docker/docker-compose.girder.yml \
-f path-to-repo/devops/docker/docker-compose.fastapi.yml up

Install and serve the client:

cd path-to-repo/client
yarn install
yarn run serve

The application should be served on http://localhost:8081 and updates will be applied after a refresh of the page.

Note: The order of these steps is important. If the client is served before the containers are brought up it will commandeer the 8080 port that Girder needs and the container will not start up.

Adding new components

We use a combination of vuetify and Girder web components in the design of the dashboard application.


When you are done developing the NGINX service can be stopped:

sudo service nginx stop  # Debian/Ubuntu
brew services stop nginx # homebrew
nginx -s quit            # Windows