Ingesting Data

Running with the monitoring service with EFFIS data

Creating Visualizations

The XGC-visualization repo contains the WDMApp-Simple-Diagnostics script, which takes in two parameters: the path to the XGC data directory and the plot options yaml file (--optsfile or -f).

python /path/to/XGC_data -f options.yml

This script uses wdmapp_reader to translate the plots into the format that the dashboard expects - both the directory structure and naming. The yaml file that contains the plot options can be used to turn things on/off or select a subsample of time steps. As an example:

  use: true
  write-adios: false

  use: true
Poincare Plots

Poincare plots are an exception to the rules above and require some additional tools to produce the plot output which can be found in [this GitLab repo] ( In particular, the Poincare examples may be useful.

Currently, the entire VTK-m instance is installed but there is work in progress to use an existing VTK-m installation if one exists. Additionally, it only operates on GPU per program call and on one ADIOS file/stream at a time. There is a wrapper available to appropriately break up the data for parallelism.

Dashboard Packaging

The existing packaging script creates the expected directory structure and writes the data to a publicly accessible HTTP endpoint, but there is work in progress to provide Globus support to move the data to the expected endpoint for ingest.

NERSC Deployment

Data must currently be manually added to /global/cfs/projectdirs/m499/esimmon/watch/shots on Perlmutter in order for it to automatically be ingested and made available in the dashboard that is deployed at NERSC. Once Globus support has been made available data will be automatically moved and then ingested at the end of a run. For more information on this deployment see Accessing the Dashboard.

AWS Deployment

Data written out to the public HTTP endpoint at will be automatically ingested into the AWS instance and available in the dashboard that is deployed there. For more information on this deployment see the Accessing the Dashboard.

Local Deployment

See the developer's guide for detailed information on running the watch script locally to ingest data.

Running with the monitoring service with Catalyst data

Coming Soon!